
Number of Journals8
Number of Issues47
Number of Articles342
Article View77,847
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Assessing the Favourability of COVID-19 Vaccine and the Influence of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs on Vaccination Readiness Among Medical Students in Tehran

Pages 104-113
Seyyed Mohammad Moein Mohseni; Dorsa Bahrami Zanjanbar; Kimia Masoumi; Hasti Khalili; Alireza Haji Abbas Shirazi; Ramin Abdi Dezfouli; Yasamin Sharifan; Omid Raiesi; Shadi Sarahroodi


Impact of Eugenol on Acetic Acid-induced Colitis in Rats

Pages 114-122
Mohsen Zabihi; Faeze Aminalroayaei; Ehsan Motaghi-Dastnaei; Tahereh Dara


Mupirocin–Induced Allergic Contact Dermatitis: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature

Pages 123-134
Tahereh Dara; Mohsen Zabihi


Rational Use of Vancomycin Among Inpatients in Shahid Chamran Hospital; A Cross-Sectional Study

Pages 135-141
Parichehreh Jorkesh; Golnaz sadat Afzal; Mehrnoush Dianatkhah


An Overview of Pharmaceutical Reconciliation

Pages 142-149
Gholamreza Reza Poorheidari; Mahdi Mashhadi Akbar Boojar

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